torsdag 28 juli 2011

Utmaningsbidrag / Challenge entry

Kitutmaningen hos Molly's är, för juli, att scrappa en dikt. Jag valde en liten dikt som barnen på dagis gav sina föräldrar i julklapp 2005, tillsammans med deras handavtryck (och som gjorde A's, då gravida, mamma väldans tårögd ;) ). Den passade alldeles utmärkt ihop med de handavtryck jag hittade på badrumsspegeln häromveckan... Men jag vet inte vem som skrivit den.
The kit challenge for July at Molly's is to scrap a poem of choice. I used a little poem, alongside with their handprints, that was given the parents by the kiddies at daycare, as a Christmas gift 2005 (and brought tears in the eyes of A's, then pregnant, mother ;) ). It went very well with the handprints I found on the bathroom mirror the other week... But I don't know the author of the poem.

Detaljbilder... / Details...

Dikten... / The poem (see below for, sort of, translation)...
There are lots of impressions from tiny little hands
On windows and furniture, whatever you can find
But wait a while and ponder, how time flies away
And all little marks are gone that I joyfully made
Thus I want to give
A little memory for You
That when you look back a little smile I'll see

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Jag älskar den dikten. Bree kom hem med ett fint hjärta med handavtryck och teckning. Men det var till pappa. Suck mamma då?